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Showing posts with the label poem


Love cannot be explained Only felt. Crosses oceans, Knocks down walls, Saves obstacles, Listens without sounds. Feels without touching. Does not understand age or distance. Not even death can kill it.

I remember the days of bread

I remember the days of baking bread. Mom busy kneading Loaves for a month. Delicious muffins smelling of anise! I remember that mom sat me up on the bunks full of wheat. Drawn crossed squares Where we played at three in a row. I remember the rain outside Pitter-pattered on the slate roof top. My hot and dry feet inside my clogs, Wet when splashing puddles. What I mostly remember It's the smell of freshly baked brown bread, The softness of Mom's worn apron, and Her sweat running down from her forehead. Spanish version: Recuerdo los días del pan

POEM Life Awakening

Life awakening. Unwinding clouds lifting. Fading voices early rising. Little birds nesting, Fluttering and singing. My cats stretching. In the valley bellow, dogs are barking. The smoke goes up uncoiling. The smell of wet earth At dawn still staying. Sunlight the shadows hiding. The spring resurgence winning To the sleepy winter. In my soul Hope again rising.


No space, No time, From the light screen Your eyes staring at mine. Your unspoken words my being reach, Promising musical notes My whole soul bewitched. From beyond the Oceans The pleasant Adagio sounds Sweet, blue, amorous… Nothing more ephimerous Could enfold me so tight, During day and night. Madrid, 1, March, 2008

Are You The Man I love?

If you are the man I love, you’ll dare to be my friend let me be yours, say “NO” to me when you consider it wise tell me “YES” when I am right, cry in front of me when you felt it let me cry when I need it, help me when I need you let give you a hand when I offer to help you, correct me when I am mistaken let me correct you when you’re wrong, praise me when I got it let me be proud of you, kissed me when I am angry let me kiss you when you are in a bad mood, talk to me when I feel confused let me ask you for advise, trust me when I make a decision let me rely on you, ask me when I behave in an incomprehensible way let me ask you when I cannot understand, make love when we both desire. You must not mind about My age, My spots, My weigh, My wrinkles, My dark skin, My short body, My small breasts, My grey hairs, My make up, My clothes, My shoes. Do not try to convince me about Your political ideas, Nor about your religion, F...