If you are the man I love,
you’ll dare to
be my friend
let me be yours,
say “NO” to me when you consider it wise
tell me “YES” when I am right,
cry in front of me when you felt it
let me cry when I need it,
help me when I need you
let give you a hand when I offer to help you,
correct me when I am mistaken
let me correct you when you’re wrong,
praise me when I got it
let me be proud of you,
kissed me when I am angry
let me kiss you when you are in a bad mood,
talk to me when I feel confused
let me ask you for advise,
trust me when I make a decision
let me rely on you,
ask me when I behave in an incomprehensible way
let me ask you when I cannot understand,
make love when we both desire.
You must not mind about
My age,
My spots,
My weigh,
My wrinkles,
My dark skin,
My short body,
My small breasts,
My grey hairs,
My make up,
My clothes,
My shoes.
Do not try to convince me about
Your political ideas,
Nor about your religion,
For, sorry, I can't trust any.
You should be convinced,
The deepest look,
The softest voice,
The bravest heart,
The kindest smile,
The smoothest skin,
The wisest thought,
I'll have.
The most risky,
The most caring,
The most beautiful,
The most intelligent,
The most passionate,
The loveliest of all on Earth
I'll be.
I’m afraid,
You’ll have to adore,
My powerful petite fingers combing your lovely hair,
My burning skin crawling about your anxious body,
My ripe lips touching you here and there,
My inquiring hands grasping your back,
My playful feet wondering around you,
My melting thighs hugging your ears,
My devoted belly frisking over yours,
My motherly knees rocking you,
My loving arms embracing you,
My ardent eyes staring at yours.
I need
Your captivating look
To bewitch me,
Your judicious words
To persuade me,
Your calm voice
To enchant me,
Your glowing kisses
To enrapture me,
Your warm hands
To caress me,
Your strong arms
To embosom me,
Your good-hearted behaviour
To conquer me.
I promise
Your problems will be mine
As mine will be yours,
My friends will be yours
As yours will be mine,
Your children will be mine
As mine will be yours,
My country will be yours
As yours will be mine,
Your world will be mine
As mine will be yours,
My future will belong to you
As much as I want yours to belong to me.
I need you
As free as I’ll be,
As strong as I’ll feel,
As sweet as I’ll behave,
As respectful as I’ll treat you.
I want you to be
The most communicative man,
The most mindful professional,
The most trustworthy person,
The most passionate lover,
The funniest partner,
The best of my friends,
That’s all I need from YOU!
Would you dare…?
Madrid, February 11, 2008